Tag Archives: gui

Killing X

On Ubuntu it used to be that ctrl-alt-backspace would kill X (the backend of the various graphical user interfaces on Linux). In an aim to be user friendly this is now disabled by default. This can be a real pain if X locks up, you can’t kill it nor change to a console.

On Debian and Ubuntu you can install the dontzap command which will allow you to kill X:

sudo apt-get install dontzap

Then run dontzap:

sudo dontzap -d

Or you can the following section to your /etc/X11/xorg.conf file (which is what the dontxzap command does):

Section "ServerFlags"
        Option  "DontZap"       "False"

See Alberto Milone’s blog for more info:

E17 on Debian

Quickie install instructions:

Add the following lines to your /etc/apt/sources.list:

# repo from Falko Schmidt:

deb http://debian.alphagemini.org/ unstable main

This will also require you to have Debian’s unstable branch listed in your sources.list .

If your have Enlightenment DR16 installed or any other versions of E17 installed you’ll need to uninstall them:

sudo aptitude remove –purge enlightenment-data enlightenment e17 emodule* libevas* libefreet*

Install Falko’s E17 build:

sudo aptitude install -t unstable e17-desktop e17-extras e17 eutils emodules0-all enlightenment

And this should install E17! Logout and select Enlightenment from the session list of your login manager. I’ll update this post with more details later in the week or at the weekend.

Look for my latest posting on E17 as this information could be out-of-date:


This article originally posted at:


Enlightement e17 on Ubuntu Screenshots

E17 Darkness Theme on Ubuntu:

E17 Darkness Theme on Ubuntu with the menu highlighted:

E17 Darkness theme with a wallpaper from vladstudio.com:

Themes are available from get-e.org. The packages for Ubuntu come with Darkness and other themes, the Debian package appears to only come with the default theme.

Look for my latest posting on E17 as this information could be out-of-date:
