Tag Archives: video
At the Backstrands
On Sunday Jeannie, me sister, and I went to Murvagh beach on a lovely sunny afternoon (or the Backstrands as me Dad used to call it). We spend about 2 hours paddling in the water and walking along the strand on a beautiful warm sunny day, with a big black cloud slowly approaching. I got, what I think are, some amazing photographs. I took so many now I have a hard time deciding which to post on Flickr! 🙂
Here’s a video I made of the tide coming in:
Digging a hole
Sandy digging a hole at the lake:
Sorry if the music sounds a little wonky. Music extract is probably copywritted by the Estate of Jimi Hendrix.
Golden Frogs
Two great videos on YouTube about the Golden Frogs and 2 scientists attempts to save frogs affected by the chytrid fungus, a fungus that is affecting and killing and driving many of the worlds frogs to extinction.
Part One:
Part Two:
See my previous posting about the Panamanian Golden Frog:
Waving frog waves for the last time
The Panamanian golden frog communicates with other frogs by semaphore in the form of gentle hand waves.
What’s is amazing is that they took video of them in the wild before the last wild populations were destroyed by a fungi:
… after filming for the BBC One series Life In Cold Blood, the frogs had to be rescued from the wild, due to the threat of chytrid fungus.
More details on chytrid fungus and a possible cure:
The blow that chytrid has dealt to the frog population is already immense.
The disease has probably accounted for one-third of all the losses in amphibian species to date, says Professor Rick Speare, an expert in amphibian diseases who works with the University of Otago’s frog research group.
Just found this video on YouTube that from the BBC documentary mentioned above: