Health Care?

RAM, (Remote Area Medical) a US charity group originally started to provide health care to remote regions in the Amazon is now doing 6o% of it’s work in the US:

“RAM operates on a shoestring budget of about $250,000 a year. Yet, last year, it treated 17,000 patients.”

“You created this medical organization designed to go into Third World countries to go into remote places, and now doing 60 percent of your work in urban and rural America, what are we supposed to make of that?” Pelley asked Brock.”

“In the expedition to Knoxville, RAM saw 920 patients, made 500 pairs of glasses, did 94 mammograms, extracted 1,066 teeth and did 567 fillings. But when Stan Brock called the last number, 400 people were turned away.”

CBS estimates that there are 50 Million people in the US without health insurance, that’s means about every one in six people has inadequate health care.

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