John Martyn

I just found out via Jigtime that John Martyn passed away.  He’s an artist I’d almost forgotten about, I had one of his albums years ago when I was in college in Dublin. Somewhere along the line I lost or misplaced it and never replaced it. I’d always meant to replace it and get to know his music better, and he was a great musician to see live. I’m annoyed at myself for not knowing his music better.

Sometimes John Martyn’s style reminds me a bit of Chris Rea, but with a more bluey bent and with the humming double-bass, other times just so ethereal. His early stuff was almost very traditional folk music (which I’m not familiar with).  Here’s John live in Dublin in 1987, singing “Sweet Little Mysteries”:

And an interview with him last year, in 2008:

I’m sad that I never got to see him live, and I hope he’s enjoying the sweet little mysteries where ever he is.

One thought on “John Martyn”

  1. After looking at John’s discography I remembered that I first listened to John’s by playing my brother Greg’s vinyl copy of Solid Air album:

    A great album, I must see if I can get a copy. And from that same concert long ago in Dublin, is John singing the title track:
    And “I’d Rather be the Devil” which is one of my favourite tracks:

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