Tag Archives: pics

4th of July Fireworks!

I won’t be in Boston for the fireworks show on July 4th. But if you show up at the last minute to see the fireworks, they start at 10.30pm, you can head onto to Harvard Bridge, commonly know as Mass Ave Bridge and get some decent view of the fireworks.

The last time I watched the fireworks from the bridge was in 2007, and I was near the middle at the 200 smoot mark:
200 Smoots!

The views of the fireworks was quite good, not as good as being on the river banks. Considering you could show up 5 minutes before the start of the display instead of 12 hours before is a good tradeoff in viewing quality. 🙂 Continue reading 4th of July Fireworks!

Old Donegal Town

A while back I scanned some old postcards of Donegal Town that I borrowed from my Aunty Isabel. They’ve been pretty popular on flickr.com, with this one getting over 900 views:

Old Donegal Town Postcard

And this one getting over 1800 views:
Donegal Town: The Diamond 1973

Both of these were taken sometime in the 1970’s and I can’t take credit for taking the pictures, that would have been John Hinde or the postcard company he owned of the same name and sold in 1973 (right around the time these pictures were probably taken).

I really like these pics, they’re very nostalgic for me as the the postcard themselve remind me my childhood, as these were sold around the town up to the late 1980’s (even after the center of town changed they made the center into an open plaza with any cars on it). I can barely remember the town looking like, I would have been 3 or 4?

My Flickr Explore (Feb 2007)

My Flickr Explore Feb 2007.

1. Fred and his cap!, 2. Sunrise @ the lake, 3. Boston Twilight, 4. Donegal Town: The Diamond 1973, 5. Celtic Sprially Wrought-iron, 6. Frozen Bog Puddle, 7. Boston Sunset, 8. Maghery,

9. Under Lough Eske Bridge, 10. Celitc Spirally Wrought Iron, 11. Big Waves, 12. The Atlantic near Dungloe, Donegal Ireland, 13. Donegal Bay, 14. Donegal Town: The Old Castle, 15. Old Donegal Town Postcard

From Big Huge Labs:


Also, see your “interesting” flickr pics at:


Old Pics!

I forgot I had these pics up on my old CS address: http://www.cs.umb.edu/~mtimony/Donegal/index.html

The first set has a few pics taken up in Dungloe. Meself, me sister Jeannie, and my friend Sue spent an afternoon driving there via Glenveagh Park to visit Edel.

We stayed overnight at Edel’s parents house and went out on the lash. And the next day went up the old road to Maghery which goes along the coast. Was a fun few days.

The last time I was up in Dungloe was for Edel’s Wedding to Robbie in 2005. The following day we some of went over the Maghery again, was another fun couple of days! 🙂

The view

Enlightement e17 on Ubuntu Screenshots

E17 Darkness Theme on Ubuntu:

E17 Darkness Theme on Ubuntu with the menu highlighted:

E17 Darkness theme with a wallpaper from vladstudio.com:

Themes are available from get-e.org. The packages for Ubuntu come with Darkness and other themes, the Debian package appears to only come with the default theme.

Look for my latest posting on E17 as this information could be out-of-date:
