Going to see The Pogue at The Paradise tonight. Should be good craic.
On other notes, Jetspeed 2.1 was released on March 3rd, so putting together an internal build for use at work.
Can’t believe that it’s been almost a month since I’v blogged. And on the Enlightement instructions, it works well on Debian, but in my Ubuntu Laptop it doesn’t work at all. I realised that after installing E17 using apt-get, that I had old libraries lying around from 2005 when I had compiled and installed E17 myself. I’m sure that caused a problem, but I’ve removed all traces I could find of the build I did and the binaries I apt-get’ed still work …
God almighty was it hot in there. Ended up going outside for a ciggy just to cool off. Was a good gig, but really jammers (jammed packed). Shane was barely audible at times, but we moved to a section near an open door (where the smoking section was) and the sound and heat was much better.
Out the back having a cig, your looking at the Mass Turnpike (a major highway/motorway) which with the traffic speeding by, and after having a few beers, is kinda mermising …